Pineapple zeolite
Old Description
Zeolite Powder with Bromelain derived from "Pineapple Core"
This product utilises the micronised and activated zeolite powder using patented Dynacol Dynamic-Collision-Technology.
Dynacol zeolite is safe for all adults and children and has been shown to be beneficial in the elimination of mycotoxins and heavy metals from the body.
Zeolite is rich in alumino silicates which well researched to have positive effects on human health by supporting detoxification, immune function modulation, silica supplementation, improved protein absorption and advanced antioxidant support.
Zeolites facilitate increased food digestibility and the proteolytic rate of trypsin. The particle size of the ZeoOne zeolite acts as a catalyst within the body, modulating an advanced broad spectrum of immune responses.
ZeoOne is a good source of highly bioavailable silicon in the form of ortho-silicic acid. Silicon is connected with a whole host of benefits such as bone mineralization, collagen synthesis, skin, hair and nail condition, improved immunity.
Pineapple core powder is a source of vitamin C, manganese, copper and Vitamin B1, vitamin B6, folate and pantothenic acid. Bromelain in the pineapple is a digestive enzyme, anti-inflammatory and further facilitates the absorption of proteins in the gut.
The use of Zeolites for human health improvement has been well documented and it is recognised that the key to preparing Zeolites for human consumption is the micronisation process.
The micronisation technology used in the development of our products has been at the forefront of the micronisation technology for the past 15 years and this technology ensures that the end product is able to deliver the benefits that it should.
The technology is now in its 4th generation and it is known as “DYNACOL” (a worldwide patented process). DYNACOL Micronisation is a revolutionary technology that significantly increases the efficacy of zeolites in human health.
- ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple is one of the products which are proving to be a strong contributor to improved health.
o contains dried pineapple core (not a juice) and a natural aluminosilicate zeolite mineral
o Micronised into an ultrafine powder using the DYNACOL Micronisation technology.
- Zeolites were formed hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago from volcanic activities. During the long formation of zeolites, the mineral forms into a microporous honeycomb structure giving zeolite its unique characteristics and properties.
- The purity of the raw zeolite combined with the worldwide patented “Dynamic Collision” Micronisation technology reduces the particle size of the zeolite significantly which increases the reactive surface area of the product and its effectiveness of interaction with enzymes.
- Zeolites have been known for facilitating increased food digestibility and the proteolytic rate of trypsin increases significantly in the presence of zeolite.
- The “Dynamic-Collision” Micronisation technology enables ZeoOne DYNACOL to act as catalysis within the body, modulating an advanced broad spectrum of immune responses.
- ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple assists the immune system through stimulating the body’s own natural healing mechanisms; excrete toxins from the body and acts as a strong scavenger of oxidants that wreak havoc in the body.
o ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple is an effective source of highly bioavailable silicon in the form of ortho-silicic acid. Silicon is connected with a whole host of benefits such as
- bone mineralization
- collagen synthesis
- skin, hair and nail condition
- improved immunity
o Due to the smaller particle size and large overall surface area of ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple, the interaction with enzymes in the intestines is more pronounced.
- The bioavailability of the pineapple extract is generated by the specific enzyme in the pineapple which is known to break down proteins and make them much more digestible and nutrient available.
o Pineapple derived Bromelain can be absorbed into the blood stream from the stomach.
o Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, copper and Vitamin B1, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate, and pantothenic acid.
- ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple containing Pineapple enzyme and natural aluminosilicate zeolite mineral is precision Micronised, Processed and Packed in New Zealand in accordance with New Zealand GMP requirements.
Zeolites have been used for many years in animal feed supplements, water treatment, radioactive waste treatment, pollution control, pet litter and odour control, agriculture, slow-release fertilization, zeoponics, soil amendment, miscellaneous agricultural applications, horticulture, aquaculture, thermal storage and solar refrigeration, natural gas purification, and removal of volatile organic compounds.
Zeolites are incredibly well suited for heavy metal detoxification and are considered 100 percent safe and non-toxic by the FDA. Zeolite has an “open” structure that can accommodate a wide variety of positive ions, like Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and others. Basically, the molecular structure of zeolite resembles a honeycomb, with many negatively-charged chambers.
Since heavy metals and other pollutants, including radioactive ions, have a positive charge, the zeolite will attract those positively-charged toxic molecules like a magnet. The toxins are “caged” within the zeolite structure, and then safely excreted from the body. In Chapter 24 of the Handbook of Zeolite Science and Technology, entitled “Medical Applications of Zeolites,” it states:
Many researchers have demonstrated the ability of several natural zeolites to take up certain radionuclides (e.g., 90Sr, 137Cs, 60Co, 45Ca, and 51Cr). Zeolite mordenite has effectively decontaminated soils contaminated with 137Cs and90Sr. Clinoptilolite shows a significant protective effect reducing radiocesium-137 accumulation in male broiler chickens exposed to alimentary contamination. Clinoptilolite supplementation in food eliminated 137Cs deposition in some organs and tissues… elimination increased and the radionuclide deposition in liver, kidneys, and femoral musculature decreased. The clinoptilolite decontamination effects were observed with preventive administration, as well as with sorbent administration, from 24 hours after a single contamination of brown rats.
Dr. Gordon believes that zeolite is the ultimate filter in our toxic world and clearly should be a part of everyone’s daily health and detox regimen as should clay and other similar substances.
Doctors Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko agree with Dr. Gordon saying, “Natural zeolite (i.e., that found in volcanogenic sedimentary rocks) is a mineral possessing attractive properties that contribute directly to their use in the extraction of Cs and Sr from nuclear wastes and the mitigation of radioactive fallout. It is also as a dietary supplement for heavy metal detoxification, it has anti-bacterial properties, and it stimulates the immune system. It was used successfully during Chernobyl.”
And wow, even though they were arresting people at the start of this nuclear disaster, now lo and behold we find out that the Japanese themselves have studied zeolite and have made formulas with it to remove radioactive substances such as iodine, caesium and strontium, according to Tomihisa Ota, a professor at Kanazawa University.
Ota said his experiments proved the powder can remove almost 100 percent of caesium when 1.5 grams of the powder are mingled with 100 milliliters of water in which caesium has been dissolved at a density of 1-10 parts per million. The tests also confirmed that the powder can remove iodine and strontium. The substances used in the tests were not radioactive. But he said the powder can be used to dispose of radiation-contaminated water “because these substances have the same chemical properties, regardless of whether they are radioactive or not.”
Dr. Gordon, one of the most dependable doctors in the area of detoxification and chelation, has a program called F.I.G.H.T. Through his decades of work with doctors around the world he has developed a number of strategies for supporting the body’s natural ability to detoxify, which include the use of zeolite.
Read some of the testimonials on treating cancer in Dogs with Clinoptilolite Zeolite
Read about the benefits of Bromelain:
Zeolite is a breakthrough supplement that works at the cellular level by trapping heavy metals and toxins and safely removing them from the body. Zeolite is also very effective in removing radiation, as shown in the cleanup after the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The people showed a 30% reduction in radioactive isotopes after the very first application of Zeolite! Continued use shows increased benefits.
The actual Clinoptilolite Zeolite molecule is shaped like a honey-comb and carries a natural negative (-) charge. When this type of Zeolite is ingested into the body all of the positively charged (+) heavy metals, toxins, and harmful chemicals bond with the zeolite and are flushed out through the urine within 6-8 hours.
Using Zeolite for Natural Chelation Therapy is 100% Safe and 100% Effective!
ZEOLITES CAN CLEAN ANYTHING. They've been used to improve soil quality in agriculture and to purify air and water supplies in NASA's space programme. They were even added to soil and given to residents of Chernobyl after the nuclear fallout. No detox is too much.
- Zeolite is built for it. The compound is a so-called “molecular sieve” made up of negatively charged honeycomb-shaped chambers. These chambers are balanced by positively charged mineral ions like potassium, calcium and sodium – healthful minerals that the body wants and needs.
- It swaps its positive minerals for positively charged toxins. Negative attracts positive. So the zeolite’s negatively charged chambers are very attractive places for positively charged toxins and contaminants. But, to suck these in, it needs to spit out the positively charged healthy ions first. The result? Good stuff into the body, bad stuff out of the body. Bad stuff like…
- Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic
- Free radicals that cause tissue damage
- Acidosis products, which cause abnormal acidity in the body
- Mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungi)
- Endotoxins and exotoxins (toxins produced by bacteria)
ANOTHER FACT: Things look better when Zeolite is around. Better and more beautiful – the compound has demonstrated antioxidant effects and a beneficial role in healing skin irritations. Which is why it’s now found a use in skin products and cosmetics.
- MORE MINERALS, BETTER NUTRITION. Zeolites have previously been used to balance nitrogen, calcium and phosphorous levels in animal feed. But they can also affect the mineral balance within the body. How? Well, firstly because toxin build-up can impair the absorption of essential minerals for optimal health. So, by reducing the toxin load, Zeolite helps to restore the incoming mineral balance. Simple. Then it also replaces toxic heavy metals with healthful potassium, calcium and (to some extent) sodium. Better mineral input overall.
- GENERAL HEALTH BOOST. Zeolite is thought to contribute to improved general health and immune system function. It also has demonstrated antioxidant activity that may bring beneficial tissue protection too.
- DIGESTIVE SUPPORT. It’s a digestive system buffer or alkaliniser that acts against excessive acidity in the body. Plus Zeolite can also improve the digestibility of nutrients, meaning you get more of what you need.
- None have been reported.
- Having said that, normal temporary symptoms of detoxification can occur – as with all detox support. Symptoms like nausea, diarrhoea, headache, tiredness, muscular aches and pains and bad breath. These are more likely at higher doses and can vary significantly depending on each person’s response.They also should resolve within a week or two.
- Some say it made them go and go to the toilet in the beginning and that's a good thing
ZeoPine 200G
DYANCOL MZM - Zeolite Powder with Bromelain derived from "Pineapple Core" 200g
The use of Zeolites for human health improvement has been well documented and it is recognised that the key to preparing Zeolites for human consumption is the micronisation process.
The micronisation technology used in the development of our products has been at the forefront of the micronisation technology for the past 15 years and this technology ensures that the end product is able to deliver the benefits that it should.
The technology is now in its 4th generation and it is known as “DYNACOL” (a worldwide patented process). DYNACOL Micronisation is a revolutionary technology that significantly increases the efficacy of zeolites in human health.
- ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple is one of the products which are proving to be a strong contributor to improved health.
o contains dried pineapple core (not a juice) and a natural aluminosilicate zeolite mineral
o Micronised into an ultrafine powder using the DYNACOL Micronisation technology.
- Zeolites were formed hundreds of thousands to millions of years ago from volcanic activities. During the long formation of zeolites, the mineral forms into a microporous honeycomb structure giving zeolite its unique characteristics and properties.
- The purity of the raw zeolite combined with the worldwide patented “Dynamic Collision” Micronisation technology reduces the particle size of the zeolite significantly which increases the reactive surface area of the product and its effectiveness of interaction with enzymes.
- Zeolites have been known for facilitating increased food digestibility and the proteolytic rate of trypsin increases significantly in the presence of zeolite.
- The “Dynamic-Collision” Micronisation technology enables ZeoOne DYNACOL to act as catalysis within the body, modulating an advanced broad spectrum of immune responses.
- ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple assists the immune system through stimulating the body’s own natural healing mechanisms; excrete toxins from the body and acts as a strong scavenger of oxidants that wreak havoc in the body.
o ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple is an effective source of highly bioavailable silicon in the form of ortho-silicic acid. Silicon is connected with a whole host of benefits such as
- bone mineralization
- collagen synthesis
- skin, hair and nail condition
- improved immunity
o Due to the smaller particle size and large overall surface area of ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple, the interaction with enzymes in the intestines is more pronounced.
- The bioavailability of the pineapple extract is generated by the specific enzyme in the pineapple which is known to break down proteins and make them much more digestible and nutrient available.
o Pineapple derived Bromelain can be absorbed into the blood stream from the stomach.
o Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C, manganese, copper and Vitamin B1, vitamin B6, dietary fiber, folate, and pantothenic acid.
- ZeoOne DYNACOL Pineapple containing Pineapple enzyme and natural aluminosilicate zeolite mineral is precision Micronised, Processed and Packed in New Zealand in accordance with New Zealand GMP requirements.
Zeolites have been used for many years in animal feed supplements, water treatment, radioactive waste treatment, pollution control, pet litter and odour control, agriculture, slow-release fertilization, zeoponics, soil amendment, miscellaneous agricultural applications, horticulture, aquaculture, thermal storage and solar refrigeration, natural gas purification, and removal of volatile organic compounds.
Zeolites are incredibly well suited for heavy metal detoxification and are considered 100 percent safe and non-toxic by the FDA. Zeolite has an “open” structure that can accommodate a wide variety of positive ions, like Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and others. Basically, the molecular structure of zeolite resembles a honeycomb, with many negatively-charged chambers.
Since heavy metals and other pollutants, including radioactive ions, have a positive charge, the zeolite will attract those positively-charged toxic molecules like a magnet. The toxins are “caged” within the zeolite structure, and then safely excreted from the body. In Chapter 24 of the Handbook of Zeolite Science and Technology, entitled “Medical Applications of Zeolites,” it states:
Many researchers have demonstrated the ability of several natural zeolites to take up certain radionuclides (e.g., 90Sr, 137Cs, 60Co, 45Ca, and 51Cr). Zeolite mordenite has effectively decontaminated soils contaminated with 137Cs and90Sr. Clinoptilolite shows a significant protective effect reducing radiocesium-137 accumulation in male broiler chickens exposed to alimentary contamination. Clinoptilolite supplementation in food eliminated 137Cs deposition in some organs and tissues… elimination increased and the radionuclide deposition in liver, kidneys, and femoral musculature decreased. The clinoptilolite decontamination effects were observed with preventive administration, as well as with sorbent administration, from 24 hours after a single contamination of brown rats.
Dr. Gordon believes that zeolite is the ultimate filter in our toxic world and clearly should be a part of everyone’s daily health and detox regimen as should clay and other similar substances.
Doctors Alexey V. Yablokov, Vassily B. Nesterenko, and Alexey V. Nesterenko agree with Dr. Gordon saying, “Natural zeolite (i.e., that found in volcanogenic sedimentary rocks) is a mineral possessing attractive properties that contribute directly to their use in the extraction of Cs and Sr from nuclear wastes and the mitigation of radioactive fallout. It is also as a dietary supplement for heavy metal detoxification, it has anti-bacterial properties, and it stimulates the immune system. It was used successfully during Chernobyl.”
And wow, even though they were arresting people at the start of this nuclear disaster, now lo and behold we find out that the Japanese themselves have studied zeolite and have made formulas with it to remove radioactive substances such as iodine, caesium and strontium, according to Tomihisa Ota, a professor at Kanazawa University.
Ota said his experiments proved the powder can remove almost 100 percent of caesium when 1.5 grams of the powder are mingled with 100 milliliters of water in which caesium has been dissolved at a density of 1-10 parts per million. The tests also confirmed that the powder can remove iodine and strontium. The substances used in the tests were not radioactive. But he said the powder can be used to dispose of radiation-contaminated water “because these substances have the same chemical properties, regardless of whether they are radioactive or not.”
Dr. Gordon, one of the most dependable doctors in the area of detoxification and chelation, has a program called F.I.G.H.T. Through his decades of work with doctors around the world he has developed a number of strategies for supporting the body’s natural ability to detoxify, which include the use of zeolite.
Read some of the testimonials on treating cancer in Dogs with Clinoptilolite Zeolite
Read about the benefits of Bromelain:
Zeolite is a breakthrough supplement that works at the cellular level by trapping heavy metals and toxins and safely removing them from the body. Zeolite is also very effective in removing radiation, as shown in the cleanup after the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The people showed a 30% reduction in radioactive isotopes after the very first application of Zeolite! Continued use shows increased benefits.
The actual Clinoptilolite Zeolite molecule is shaped like a honey-comb and carries a natural negative (-) charge. When this type of Zeolite is ingested into the body all of the positively charged (+) heavy metals, toxins, and harmful chemicals bond with the zeolite and are flushed out through the urine within 6-8 hours.
Using Zeolite for Natural Chelation Therapy is 100% Safe and 100% Effective!
ZEOLITES CAN CLEAN ANYTHING.They've been used to improve soil quality in agriculture and to purify air and water supplies in NASA's space programme. They were even added to soil and given to residents of Chernobyl after the nuclear fallout. No detox is too much.
- Zeolite is built for it. The compound is a so-called “molecular sieve” made up of negatively charged honeycomb-shaped chambers. These chambers are balanced by positively charged mineral ions like potassium, calcium and sodium – healthful minerals that the body wants and needs.
- It swaps its positive minerals for positively charged toxins. Negative attracts positive. So the zeolite’s negatively charged chambers are very attractive places for positively charged toxins and contaminants. But, to suck these in, it needs to spit out the positively charged healthy ions first. The result? Good stuff into the body, bad stuff out of the body. Bad stuff like…
- Heavy metals like lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic
- Free radicals that cause tissue damage
- Acidosis products, which cause abnormal acidity in the body
- Mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungi)
- Endotoxins and exotoxins (toxins produced by bacteria)
ANOTHER FACT: Things look better when Zeolite is around. Better and more beautiful – the compound has demonstrated antioxidant effects and a beneficial role in healing skin irritations. Which is why it’s now found a use in skin products and cosmetics.
- MORE MINERALS, BETTER NUTRITION. Zeolites have previously been used to balance nitrogen, calcium and phosphorous levels in animal feed. But they can also affect the mineral balance within the body. How? Well, firstly because toxin build-up can impair the absorption of essential minerals for optimal health. So, by reducing the toxin load, Zeolite helps to restore the incoming mineral balance. Simple. Then it also replaces toxic heavy metals with healthful potassium, calcium and (to some extent) sodium. Better mineral input overall.
- GENERAL HEALTH BOOST. Zeolite is thought to contribute to improved general health and immune system function. It also has demonstrated antioxidant activity that may bring beneficial tissue protection too.
- DIGESTIVE SUPPORT. It’s a digestive system buffer or alkaliniser that acts against excessive acidity in the body. Plus Zeolite can also improve the digestibility of nutrients, meaning you get more of what you need.
- None have been reported.
- Having said that, normal temporary symptoms of detoxification can occur – as with all detox support. Symptoms like nausea, diarrhoea, headache, tiredness, muscular aches and pains and bad breath. These are more likely at higher doses and can vary significantly depending on each person’s response.They also should resolve within a week or two.
- Some say it made them go and go to the toilet in the beginning and that's a good thing